Behaviour management

This is the Behaviour Model at Shepherdson College. It is split up into sections as the severity of the behaviour increases. As a classroom teacher you are responsible mainly for the Green and Yellow sections and will refer the behaviour to either the ST1, AP or Principal in the Orange and Red sections as the behaviour becomes more extreme. Incidents of student behaviour are recorded in the Student Behaviour Tracker (SBT). 

Green section - Planning for positive classroom behaviour (Classroom Teacher and AT)

This section is where you will plan your classroom management and strategies to promote positive classroom behaviour. You should talk to your mentor or ST1 on strategies that have been used in classes before. You should also talk to your AT about how you can work together to promote positive behaviour and manage difficult behaviour when it arises. Your plan for this will be part of your "Yellow Book" for the term.

Yellow section - Managing low level behaviour in the classroom (Classroom Teacher and AT)

This section is where you will be managing minor disturbances and low level behaviour (eg. not working, walking around, disrupting the classroom). Once again, plan with your mentor, AT and ST1 for some strategies that may help in these situations. There are some key points in this section:

Orange Section - Managing severe behaviour (ST1 or AP)

This is where a student has to be removed from class or from the school for continually disruptive, extreme or dangerous behaviour. A report will need to be made in the SBT afterwards. The main point with this section is:

Red Section - Emergency (ST1, AP or Principal)

If you have a situation which you consider to be an emergency and anyone is in imminent danger then call the front office immediately on 7012 or the AP or Principal. A report will need to be made in the SBT afterwards.